Monday, May 5, 2008

Reach trucks R 14-17 X

Linde Reach trucks R 14-17 X
Electric Reach Trucks Capacity 1400 kg – 1700 kg

The revolutionary X range of reach trucks from Linde represents the first truly seismic change in the design concept for reach trucks in over fifty years. By relocating the battery under the operator‘s compartment the Linde designers were able to double the space in cab to provide a spacious working environment previously unknown in the reach truck world. In addition the battery relocation also enabled an entirely new mast concept to be developed resulting in a panoramic ‚window‘ between the mast uprights which is twice as wide as conventional designs. Another break with convention is the fact that the mast is fixed to the chassis and does not reach backwards and forwards. Instead a unique traversing fork carriage carries out this function resulting in a superbly stable mast for outstandingly seamless and stable load handling at high lift with shorter cycle times. Apart from the advanced and proven features such as finger tip, joystick Linde Load Control twin accelerator pedals and twin accelerator pedals, the X range also includes a new super-comfort ‚armchair‘ seat with two adjustable armrests. The left armrest incorporates a compact electric steering wheel while the left armrest incorporates the fingertip joystick controls. This superb working environment combines with the revolutionary features of the Linde X range to provide the competitive edge for any business requiring narrow aisle trucks.

Reach trucks R 14 X

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